VEX Robotics, a global advocate for STEM education, is joining the Tech Hub at Skills Show Australia 2018, a flagship skills and trades event being held in Sydney next month.
For the first time, WorldSkills Australia has invited VEX Robotics to join other technology and STEM education leaders to demonstrate the breadth and depth of science, technology, engineering and mathematics-based careers that are available through skill and trade pathways.
VEX Robotics is a leading provider of educational and competitive robotics products to schools, universities and robotics teams around the world.
VEX Competitions bring STEM skills to life by tasking teams of students with designing and building a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge.
Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications and creativity.
Supported by the NSW Government, Skills Show Australia 2018 will be held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Darling Harbour from June 2-4.
At this year’s Skills Show, VEX Robotics will be championing what the future of robotics can hold as a skill-based career, with features direct from their competition structure being demonstrated throughout the three-day event as well as the first Junior Mobile Robotics skill.
Raising the profile of STEM skills
VEX Robotics will join Tradiebot Industries and other STEM advocates at the Skills Show Tech Hub.
Tradiebot Industries is developing technology platforms and automated systems for the auto repair industry that fast-track routine jobs, repairs, training and deliver an up-skilled workforce.
WorldSkills Australia is hosting the Skills Show and CEO Brett Judd said the involvement of leaders in the STEM fields such as VEX Robotics and Tradiebot Industries would play a major role in raising the profile of STEM skills in Australia.
“One of our major focus points with Skills Show is to promote the importance of STEM pathways and provide information on how students can pursue these opportunities,” said Mr Judd.
“By joining with VEX Robotics and supporting their hands-on approach to STEM education, this engagement highlights the shared passion of both organisations for unlocking and accelerating promising talent in science, engineering and future technologies.”
Robotics competitions
VEX Robotics president Paul Copioli said: “One of our main goals is to address the global STEM crisis by offering engaging and exciting opportunities for people of all ages.
“Our one-of-a-kind robotics competitions have been specifically designed to demonstrate the potential every student has to enter a STEM career in an atmosphere that is exciting, challenging and team orientated.”
The Skills Show will be a fun, interactive and inspiring event. During the Skills Show, more than 400 apprentices and trainees will compete in 50 skills at the WorldSkills Australia National Championships.
They will also battle it out for the opportunity to go on to represent Australia at the 45th WorldSkills international competition in Kazan, Russia in 2019.
The Skills Show will also feature:
- A selection of hands-on skills, Try’aSkills’ – Visitors can try out a skill and learn more from industry experts
- Skills Pathway Expo – A hub of reputable resources and information relating to VET pathways, as well as access to key industry leaders
- Skills & Thrills Show – Engaging career showcases utilising music, film and dance to provide inspiring information about industry trends, vocational education pathways and career outcomes.
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